Monday, December 9, 2013

Use of the Library Assignment

I covered this some at the beginning of the semester, but I figured that I would update everyone on what has been going on in my life over the past year or so.

This summer, I was able to do more hiking and backpacking than I had in a very long time. I visited four national parks (Grand Canyon, Zion, Great Sand Dunes, Rocky Mountain) and spent a lot of time on the trial.

Ted and I in Great Sand Dunes National Park

Angel's Landing in Zion National Park

Right now, I work as an assignment editor at Channel 4 in Oklahoma City on the weekends. It's a pretty great job because you are never sure what kind of place you're going to walk in to. Some days it can be boring, but other times it's a madhouse. In a good way.

Answering phones after a recent earthquake.


I know this isn't exactly a hobby, but my dog Tucker takes up enough of my time to constitute one. He is a ten-month-old golden doodle and he likes to cause havoc everywhere he goes. But I love him anyway.

He recently learned how to smile for the camera.

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